Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Delusional Senators

Senators Rockefellar, Casey, and Specter tell me that the version of the Senate health care bill that currently passed will save us $137 Billion. Let's see if I get this out without breaking out laughing. The taxpayers are supposed to pay for the health insurance for somewhere between 12 and 30 million more people, plus create and fund 118 brand new bureaucracies, commissions and panels, include even more people on an already bankrupt Medicare and Medicaid programs, pay for the healthcare and/or health insurance of any illegal alien who wants to cross our borders, and pay for any and all abortions without restrictions of any kind, and all this is not only going to be completely free, but actually make us money and reduce the deficit? I don't know about anyone else, but I really do not like being told bold faced lies by my so called 'representatives'. November 2010 can't come fast enough.

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