Monday, January 31, 2011

Separation of Church and State

As you know, the 'separation of church and state" is not in the constitution, and actually was only in an obscure letter from Thomas Jefferson to a Baptist elder and was pulled out of obscurity by Supreme court justice Blackman to support his misguided opinion in a 1946 ruling, and we have been bludgeoned with it ever since. The Founders never intended for God to be removed from public discourse, but just the opposite. God is fundamental to our nation's survival, as our laws are generated from His laws, and His moral code is our moral code, without which we will descend into debauchery, with totalitarianism the necessary consequence. This has happened with all other successful 'empires', and is happening now with us. A people without a God given moral code cannot govern themselves. This is why one of the foundations of the statist ideas is do away with religion, because religion and morality allow a people to behave with civility toward each other and ensures their liberty and ability to self govern. , The Founders meant that the state will not force citizens to follow only one religion, nor will the state pay any church's way. They also stated the government will not be allowed to stand in the way of whatever religious observance the citizens may wish to engage in, weather that observance be on private or public lands. These ideas are all clearly laid out in the Federalist papers, and Judge Blackman's ruling along with the liberals continued attack on our religious foundations are simply a perversion of the truth to advance the statist agenda.